February Chapter Meeting

Groups audience 
Wednesday, February 10th, 2016 - 6:30pm to Wednesday, February 10th, 2016 - 8:00pm
Rick Hafele
Topic: Five Mistakes You Don't Need to Make
Ever wonder why ten percent of the anglers catch ninety percent of the fish?  It’s often because they don’t make these mistakes.  Find out what five 
common mistakes to avoid (plus a couple bonus mistakes for good luck!) and how to cure them.
Rick Hafele started fly fishing over 40 years ago and has worked as a professional aquatic biologist for over 30 years.   For many years he has been 
sharing his knowledge of insects, streams and fish with fly fishermen through books, DVDs, articles, slide shows and seminars.  His earliest work includes 
the now classic book Western Hatches and video Anatomy of a Trout Stream.  His two newest books, Tactics for Trout and Seasons for Trout (Stackpole 
Books, 2014), were co-authored with Dave Hughes and Skip Morris.
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