GBTU Chapter Meeting - Busting Boulder Fields: Beyond the Basics with Jerry Audet

Groups audience 
Monday, February 22nd, 2021 - 6:30pm


Join us for an informative update on how to seriously prepare for Striper season, while you are waiting for winter to end, with our guest speakerJerry Audet


Boulder fields are found throughout the entire Striper Coast, but are particularly prevalent in New England. They are some of the “fishiest” locations along our coast, and tend to be very consistent producers of large fish all season long. They are also some of the most challenging places to fish, particularly with the fly rod, and require dedication, knowledge, and skill to access completely. Boulder fields are Jerry’s favorite place to fish- especially at night. He will be discussing why he fishes them, how he chooses and dissects the best locations, and some of his tactics for catching, landing, and releasing fish in the heavy structure.


Jerry Audet is a dedicated surf fisherman, who fishes both flies and plugs. He regularly fishes a huge swath of the coast from Long Island Sound to Acadia. Jerry loves trying to unlock the secrets of an area or particular spot; he is far less concerned with reeling the fish in or the “fight”. As such, he has become particularly known for his in-depth discussions of fishing philosophy, structure analysis, and fly/plug presentation. Jerry is a writer and photographer with regular contributions to magazines like Surfcasters Journal, The Fisherman, and On the Water. Jerry also is an endurance athlete, holds a PhD in Physiology and a BS in Biology, and is working to help conserve the Striped Bass for future generations.


Learn more about Jerry at and @indeepoutdoors on Instagram and Facebook


630-700PM Social

700-800PM Speaker & Chapter Update 



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