Submitted by Namebini - Carl... on Wed, 2016-01-13 21:37 Groups audience Gitche Gumee - 663 Minnesota - 9MN Vote Up Down +16 + Friday, March 18th, 2016 - 11:00am CST to Sunday, March 20th, 2016 - 2:00pm CST GW Logo with Text- For eventbrite.jpg Minneosta Trout Unlimited is excited to announce this years Great Waters Fly Fishing Expo! Originally conceived by Tom Helgeson, The Great Waters Fly Fishing Expo has been a fixture of the Upper Midwest fly fishing community for many years. Minnesota Trout Unlimited is excited to lead a new and expanded Expo in 2016 and beyond to help focus on its core mission: ” The Great Waters Fly Fishing Expo is a celebration of fly fishing, its environs and the people who share in its majesty.” The expo will be held March 18th-20th in White Bear Lake MN. Plan today to attend, visit exhibitors and listen to great presenters discuss fishing and conservation in the Midwest and far flug reaches of the globe. Find out more by visiting the Great Waters Fly Fishing Expo website at: Who's attending this event? Corie Berrigan, Carl Haensel