Monthly Meeting - Brook Trout Conservation

Groups audience 
Wednesday, February 17th, 2016 - 7:00pm to Wednesday, February 17th, 2016 - 9:00pm

Brook Trout Conservation

Maryland's Gunpowder basin, which rests in northern Baltimore, Carroll, and Harford Counties, supports the second highest number of brook trout populations in the state with 25.2% of the states total population. More specifically the Upper Gunpowder watershed, which is in part, within the Prettyboy Reservoir Watershed, was identified as the watershed with not only the highest existing populations of brook trout but one that has the most potential for a successful conservation and possibly restoration effort.  

Please joins us as Scott C. Scarfone shares with you the progress being made on this front and the long road ahead as we work to save our native brook trout.

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