Seneca Creek - Save Our Streams Workshop

Groups audience 
Sunday, October 13th, 2013 - 5:00pm to Sunday, October 13th, 2013 - 10:00pm

By TU's Potomac Headwaters Home Rivers Initiative Coordinator - Dustin Wichterman


Seneca Creek……….These words role off of an angler’s tongue with pleasure and desire. One of four intact native brook trout streams in West Virginia (Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture Conservation Strategy, 2006), Seneca is teaming with aquatic life. As society makes its way upstream, this watershed faces a myriad of threats.  So, how can you help the Seneca Watershed and others in WV?

The Potomac Headwaters Home River Initiative and the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection’s Save our Streams Program are teaming up on a project that will help Seneca Creek.  On Sunday, October 13, 2013 we will be hosting a WVDEP SOS Training Workshop at the Seneca Rocks Discovery Center.  The workshop will be held from 10am-3 pm, and will focus on assessing and sampling water chemistry, benthic macro-invertebrates, and stream and riparian habitat.  The group will meet in the lower parking lot of the Seneca Rocks Discovery Center.  Lunch will be provided, but please bring appropriate gear for getting your feet wet. 

This event is part of an ongoing conservation strategy for the Seneca Watershed, and will give TU an opportunity to discuss future project plans, events, and activities.

The PHHRI is protecting, restoring, and re-connecting the trout resources across the Potomac. Current projects include: temperature monitoring; brook trout abundance sampling; fin clip collection for genetic analysis; installation of agricultural exclusion fence and riparian plantings; stream bank stabilization; and habitat enhancement. For more information on how you can become involved in this project or others please contact Dustin Wichterman, Potomac Headwater Project Coordinator at or 304-614-5709.

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said on Monday, November 18th, 2013

I will be interested in speaking with you sometime. I live in Thomas, WV. ~ John Arnold

said on Tuesday, November 19th, 2013


That's terrific. We need more involvement from guys like you living in these strategic locations. We have a lot of needs and the team at our Thomas office will be very glad to hear from you. Give Dustin ( or me, Philip Smith ( a shout.




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