Teanaway Habitat Project - Yakima River Headwaters

Monday, August 3rd, 2015 - 8:30am to Thursday, August 6th, 2015 - 4:30pm

The Teanaway River is a freestone tributary of the Yakima River, near the Stuart Range in Central Washington. The river was recently closed to fishing due to low flows and high water temperatures.

TU's work and involvement in the watershed has it's foundations in the Teanaway Community Forest, a 50,000 acre recreation hub in the upper Kittitas Valley. Here, native salmonids and other wildlife call its waters and forest home.


Partnering with Mid-Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group, the Yakima River Headwaters TU Chapter needs volunteers for a habitat project, designed to provide thermal refuge for fish in the Teanaway.

According to Rebecca Wassell, Yakima Basin Program Director, "The work will consist of short-term pool enhancement, walking the streambeds and placing tree cuttings across exposed pools to provide cover and shade."

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said on Monday, August 3rd, 2015

Meet today at the Dickey Creek bridge by 10AM.  The plan is to have one crew work upstream to the bridge, and one team work downstream from roughly the Indian Creek area.

Contact Rebecca Wassell at 509-281-1311.  
Volunteers should call Rebecca the day before they’d like to help out, to be sure they meet up with a crew. 
To be most helpful, each volunteer will need pruners or loppers, gloves, sun protection, food and water, and sturdy wading shoes.

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