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Hello Yakima River Headwaters TU members and volunteers!    One of our goals for the Teanaway is an interactive map, housing water temperature and quality data, habitat projects, and organizations/partners in the watershed. At the recent IFFF Fair in Ellensburg, this idea was brainstormed further [ READ MORE... ]
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Join us on Wednesday, March 16th at 7 pm to review and participate in planning our Teanaway River programs. Our future projects will allow us to place 6 water temperature monitors within key headwater zones of the Teanaway River and software to help us track and study the data. This data will be [ READ MORE... ]
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"Legislative Alert - please call or email today!" There's a potential vote of HB2467 tomorrow if our voices are heard - this will introduce necessary regulations to protect spawning and rearing habitat for protected headwaters fish species from suction dredge mining. Currently, there are few [ READ MORE... ]
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***Location Change*** We've moved the meeting location for December's meeting to The Palace, in Ellensburg, WA. The meeting starts at 7 PM, with the Board meeting at 6 PM to discuss our Youth program, fundraising, and the 2016 Teanaway Plan. The general meeting will be a review of our 2015 projects [ READ MORE... ]
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Don't forget about the November meeting on Wednesday the 18th. Social hour at 6 PM, meeting begins at 7 PM. We are hosting Gabe Temple from the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife, sharing his presentation on 25 years of catch & release history on the Yakima River. Also, our [ READ MORE... ]
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Join us for our monthly meeting to learn more about the strategic goals for 2016, join/form a committee, and meet other members of the Chapter. Here's our plan for 2016 - engage local youth and develop programs to inspire the next generation of conservation leaders, increase our knowledge of " [ READ MORE... ]
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   Wild Trout Matter My beloved Yakima River is on the precipice. Water temps are not cooling below 65 degrees in some sections of the river. Water temps are topping out at 72 and above in the lower end. We have another set of hot days in the forecast with air temps reaching 102. The river flow is [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY TamarackTrout ON August 8 - 0 COMMENTS
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   The Sentinel Mount Stuart towers in the distance. Her peak barren of the normal snowcap she wears during the start of August. North Fork Teanaway road straightens out in front of me as I drive towards one of favorite mountain peaks in the world. From her foothills the headwaters of the Teanaway [ READ MORE... ]
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The Yakima River Headwaters TU Chapter recently completed the first of many events on Crystal Creek, an intermittent tributary of the Yakima. Historically, the area of Roslyn and Ronald, WA were mining towns, and Crystal Creek bears the legacy of those operations. Smaller tributaries and springs [ READ MORE... ]
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In drought conditions, fish and wildlife will change their behaviors to avoid stressors - predators, water temperatures, and other recreational activities where human interactions can impact today's and future generations. In our closed or restricted streams and rivers in the headwaters, suction [ READ MORE... ]

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