Submitted by trgavin on Fri, 2018-04-13 13:22 Groups audience Yakima - 094 Vote Up Down +8 + Thursday, April 19th, 2018 - 6:30pm to Thursday, April 19th, 2018 - 8:30pm April's meeting of the Yakima Fly Fishers Association will be held on Thursday, April 19th at 6:30 PM at our new meeting location. We will no longer meet at Jackson's Sports Bar. Our new location is Magic's Pizza Shack at 309 S 1st St. Selah, WA. We will meet in their banquet room. Our speaker for April is Marc Divens, the new Region 3, District 8 Fisheries Biologist. Marc will be speaking to us about the states Warmwater Fish Program and Fly Fishing for Bass, Panfish, and Tiger Muskie in Washington. Marc started with WDFW’s Inland Fish Program in 1995 working in Olympia as part of the Inland Fish Research Team. Research projects ranged from investigating the ecological impacts of stocking trout in high lakes, to introduced fishes on wild coho salmon, to developing sampling protocols for bull trout and warmwater fish populations. In 1999, Marc relocated to Spokane to work as the Lead Fisheries Biologist for the Warmwater Fisheries Assessment Team covering Regions 1 and 3. Since that time, he has conducted standardized surveys and provided management recommendations on over 50 inland waters; worked to develop sampling strategies for Northern Pike with Kalispel Tribe co-managers; developed guidelines for regulating quality crappie populations; and directed tiger muskie stocking evaluations, including diet, fish community response, and habitat use. Marc transferred into the District 8 Fish Biologist positon in Yakima in March 2018 following the retirement of longtime District Biologist Eric Anderson. This should be a great meeting and opportunity to meet Marc. Don't miss it! Who's attending this event? There is no one currently attending this event.