Submitted by Brennan on Wed, 2012-08-29 10:07 Vote Up Down +14 + blf.jpg Description This little baetis nymph is small enough to match the naturals, but flashy enough to get attention in higher water. Materials & Components Rib: Micro Flashabou — Pearl Tail: Three or four pheasant tail fibers Hook: TMC 2457 — Size 18 Thread: Danville 6/0 Rusty Brown Thorax: Arizona Synthetic Peacock Wingcase: Mirage Tinsel — Opal Instructions Crimp your barb Wrap thread onto hook shank Tie in pheasant tail fibers an eye's width behind the eye Tie in ribbing Using touching wraps, lash ribbing and tail to hook down around the bend Wrap ribbing back up toward hook eye Tie in wingcase Dub a sparse but buggy thorax Pull wingcase over thorax, tie off and clip Whip finish