Submitted by Brian.Koz on Sun, 2014-03-16 06:46 Vote Up Down +11 + DSCF5071.JPG Description Materials: Hook Mustad 37160 #6-12 Dubbing: Hare-tron Golden Brown and OliveTan Tail: Pheasant Carapace: Turkey and underlay of Pheasant plume Rib: fine copper wire Wing: Deer Hair, stacked and flared (color- your choice) Under-Wing: 2mm foam (tan, grey, brown) Hackle: Bugger hackle- two colors- one Grizzly, one dun or cream (your choice again) Thread: UTC ultra Denier 140 or 8/0 olive Tight Lines!! The Sexy Hexy Emerger is available from Rainy’s and Feather-Craft. Materials & Components Hook: Mustad 37160 #6-14 Tail: pheasant Body: Hare-Tron Golden Stone Abdomen: Mottled Turkey and pheasant filo-plume Rib: gold wire Thorax: Hare-Tron Olive or UV Olive brown Foam: 2 mm tan or grey thin strip Hackle: Grizzly Bugger olive and Cream Overwing: White deer belly Instructions Step 1- Tie in tail Step 2- tie in turkey and copper wire, carefully place Rump Filo Plume on top of turkey Step 3- generous amount of dubbing- hexes are fairly big bugs- use the lighter of two dubbings Step 4- wrap dubbing forward and fold turkey with plume up and wrap with copper wire along the way, be careful not to catch as much of the plumes as possible- we want this abdomen to breathe. Step 5- dub thorax and close to head, not all the way. Step 6- thin strip of foam for underwing. Step 7-Tie in Hackle feathers. Step 8- Cut and stack Deer hair. Step 9- measure and secure with a few good wraps- trim. Step 10- wrap hackle under deer hair- alternately you could tie in the hackle under the foam and wrap under the foam as well. Step 11- cut and trim deer hair, tie down hackle, build small head, whip finish, cut off ends of foam. Done. Tight Lines!! The Sexy Hexy Emerger is available from Rainy’s and Feather-Craft.