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Editor's note: TU President and CEO Chris Wood was invited to testify before Congress on innovative approaches and economic development opportunities of abandoned mine land reclamation. TU hopes to work with Congress to advance legislation to support this type of restoration work, both on coal and [ READ MORE... ]
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Abandoned mine overlooks Lion Creek drainage near Empire, Colorado.  By Randy Scholfield We are bouncing along in four-wheel drive vehicles, high in the Clear Creek watershed west of Denver, overlooking beautiful forest vistas and steep hillsides laced with snowmelt creeks. We are here with a group [ READ MORE... ]
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Animas River after abandoned mine spill: looking for a solution. Chris Wood recently appeared as an interview guest on the popular Denver outdoors radio show, Terry Wickstrom Outdoors. Chris spoke with Terry about the threat posed to trout rivers and water supplies by abandoned mines, which [ READ MORE... ]
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By Brad Powell Standing on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, gazing into the awe-inspiring abyss, it’s easy to think that this timeless landscape is impervious to human activity and impact. That would be a mistake. We know that, for years, reckless and unbridled uranium mining has had serious [ READ MORE... ]
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Trout in the Classroom students in New York prepare to release fish they raised into the wild. Trout Unlimited photo. By Brett Prettyman Talking to people about Trout in the Classroom is one of my favorite parts of my job with Trout Unlimited. During the SHIFT conference in Jackson, Wyo., last week [ READ MORE... ]
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Will McDermott standing atop the Wolf Shaft near the historic Kirwin Mining district outside of Meeteetse, Wyoming. Note: In 2017, for the second consecutive year, TU’s Colorado Abandoned Mine Land Program was able to bring on a summer intern. The previous year, TU worked with Colorado School of [ READ MORE... ]
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Jim Moersch of TU's St.Vrain Anglers Chapter, working hard! by Lauren Duncan On June 14, Trout Unlimited’s Abandoned Mine Lands team joined up with Colorado Trout Unlimited volunteers and U.S. Forest Service staff and volunteers for a successful revegetation workday at the Lower Creek project site [ READ MORE... ]
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Editor's note: TU's Native Odyssey team is in Colorado, where the group of young anglers toured a molybdenum mine. Mining takes a toll on native trout throughout the West—some 40 percent of all headwater streams are impacted in one fashion or another by abandoned mine runoff.  Molybdenum is the [ READ MORE... ]
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By Randy Scholfield There’s no getting around a basic fact: cleaning up abandoned mines is a tough task that requires money. Time, commitment and money. So there must be an accounting error in the just-released Trump administration budget for the EPA. Because despite Secretary Scott Pruitt [ READ MORE... ]
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Akron mine tailings loom over Tomichi Creek By Jason Willis Tomichi Creek is a tributary of the Gunnison River that flows from the historic mining town of White Pine, Colorado, on the west side of Monarch Pass at an elevation over 9,000 feet. The upper portion of the Tomichi Creek drainage has [ READ MORE... ]

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