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The purpose of this program is to offer and allow KPTU Chapter members in good standing and those students who have previously completed our Fly-Fishing Camp to be able to borrow certain tools from the Chapter to continue their education related to beginning fly-tying and fly rod construction. This [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY DAtcheson ON October 29 - 0 COMMENTS
Thank You
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The Kenai Peninsula Chapter of Trout Unlimited would like to thank all the individuals and businesses who made our recent IF4 film night and auction a resounding success. A very special shout out to Main Street Tap and Grill for donating their venue and service, and Kenai River Brewing for donating [ READ MORE... ]
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Join the Kenai Peninsula Chapter of Trout Unlimited for their annual fundraiser the International Fly Fishing Film Fest, and silent auction. This year it is again being held at Main Street Tap and Grill in Kenai. October 14. Doors open at 5pm, films start at 5:30pm. Food will be available and Two- [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY DAtcheson ON November 1 - 0 COMMENTS
A Hearty Thank You
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The Kenai Peninsula Chapter of Trout Unlimited would like to thank all the individuals and businesses who made our recent IF4 film night and auction a resounding success. A very special shout out to Main Street Tap and Grill for donating their venue and service, and Kenai River Brewing for donating [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY DAtcheson ON September 21 - 0 COMMENTS
Join us for IF4
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Join the Kenai Peninsula Chapter of Trout Unlimited for their annual fundraiser the International Fly Fishing Film Fest, and silent auction. This year it is again being held at Main Street Tap and Grill in Kenai. October 14. Doors open at 5pm, films start at 5:30pm. Food will be available and Two- [ READ MORE... ]
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Recap: State of the Salmon: Presentation and Panel Discussion    Six years ago, Trout Unlimited Alaska hosted a Chinook salmon panel in Anchorage. This coincided with a state mandate and funds designed to study the dwindling numbers of king salmon being seen throughout the state. Recently TU, [ READ MORE... ]
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Kenai Peninsula Trout Unlimited Chapter Gear Swap and Picnic Saturday, May 13, at Soldotna Creek Park Gear Swap starts at 11am. All gear types of gear for sale. Have gear to sell: see below. Intro to Fly Fishing 11:30am: See what type of gear you need to get started fly fishing and learn the basics [ READ MORE... ]
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Kenai Peninsula Trout Unlimited, Chapter 229, was chosen for an Embrace A Stream (EAS) grant, awarded by the National Trout Unlimited organization. The grant will be used to fund a project designed to map anadromous streams on the Kenai Peninsula, verifying current entries and adding new entries to [ READ MORE... ]
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The Bristol Bay region of Alaska is wet, wild and full of fish. Photo by Fly Out Media By Jenny Weis A 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck southcentral Alaska’s population center in Anchorage on Friday, Nov. 30 at 8:29 am. While the earth and my house thundered and moved around me, I could hear bowls [ READ MORE... ]
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Damage from the Nov. 30, 7.0 magnitude earthquake on the highway exit ramp nearest to the Trout Unlimited office in Anchorage.  By Jenny Weis I found myself still tip-toeing around my house Saturday morning as I cleaned broken glass and straightened bookshelves, over 24 hours after the 7.0 [ READ MORE... ]

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