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By Katy Dunlap Citing inadequate capacity commitments from prospective customers, Kinder Morgan announced on April 20 that it had suspended further work on its federal application to construct the Tennessee Gas Pipeline Northeast Energy Direct (TGP-NED) project. The TGP-NED project was proposed to [ READ MORE... ]
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By Katy Dunlap Citing inadequate capacity commitments from prospective customers, yesterday, Kinder Morgan suspended further work on its federal application to construct the Tennessee Gas Pipeline Northeast Energy Direct (TGP-NED) project. The TGP-NED project was proposed to cross five states, [ READ MORE... ]
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Those of us who live here, who grew up here, who have spent any time here, know. Pennsylvania is a special place.  I’m sure many states would lay claim to that sentence. And many states would be right. I guess I’m a bit biased. As I’m learning more and more about our woods and waters, that bias [ READ MORE... ]
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Satterlee Creek, an intermittent stream in Bradford County, Pa., is one that has been named and claimed by the community.   “Oh, that must be Fishing Creek.” If you’re crossing a bridge somewhere in Pennsylvania, it’s a pretty safe answer if someone asks you, “What stream is that?” I’ve never done [ READ MORE... ]
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By Katy Dunlap Much of Pennsylvania’s shale gas boom has taken place around the streams that support the state’s best native and wild trout habitat. Picture a place of unspoiled wilderness where small headwater streams send cold, clean water trickling down steep mountain terrain, where wildlife is [ READ MORE... ]
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A  shale gas development staging area in Pennsylvania's Tiadaghton State Forest By Paula Piatt To walk the state forests and state parks in Pennsylvania gives you little indication of what lies beneath. A mile below those headwater streams and wild game habitat, the Marcellus Shale is a prize to be [ READ MORE... ]
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Patient angler fishing a Savage River trib. At first glance, Maryland’s new oil and gas regulations, released today, take steps toward protection of the state’s trout resources. Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking”, has been on hold in Maryland since 2011, while a Governor-appointed commission [ READ MORE... ]
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Pennsylvania’s public lands are vast – that’s part of what makes them special.    By Paula Piatt Pennsylvania’s public lands are vast. Large tracts of habitat – both woods and waters – that are home to all sorts of critters. And occasionally to the two-legged variety fortunate enough to pay a visit [ READ MORE... ]
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By Katy Dunlap As we have seen over the past year, one of the biggest threats to Pennsylvania’s native and wild trout populations comes from the halls of the Capitol in Harrisburg.  In its latest attempt to weaken protections for trout streams, the Pennsylvania General Assembly passed a bill that [ READ MORE... ]
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As part of a Commonwealth Court order released last week, Pa. Gov. Tom Corbett and the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources have agreed not to lease any more additional state forest or park land until the court makes a decision on a larger court case, filed two years ago by the [ READ MORE... ]

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