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In April 2013 the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited was joined by the Tobyhanna Conservation Association and Boy Scout Troop 91 to plant over 400 seedling along the banks of the Tobyhanna Creek in the area of the Route 423 bridge realignment. The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation of Natural [ READ MORE... ]
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By Gary R. Blockus Of The Morning Call Find out how TU monitors Marcellus Shale drilling impact Michaels Creek and MartinsCreek in the Poconos are about to get some very important oversight. Trained members of the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited will begin monitoring a variety of data in those [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY ERGS ON January 11 - 1 COMMENTS
Getting Down To The Who
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My first fly fishing experience was almost 20 years ago in Colorado, on the Blue River in Silverthorne. You've probably heard of it, but I had just moved to Summit County on a whim - possible only because of an equally willing spouse with a sense of adventure and the unknown. I spent my youth in [ READ MORE... ]
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blog BY Jonathan Trzil ON September 5 - 0 COMMENTS
TVA Clean-up
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TVA will be holding multipole clean-up operations on local waterways. Hope to see you there!
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Last week TVA put a clean-up on south Holston great success!
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After numerous "accident spills" the North Fork of the Holston river has taken many hits.  This chemical company is putting so much pollution many...many fish have been caught with deformities and odd coloring.  We should pitch in to have companies like this pay to clean up there own mess!
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This River is a great river to fish in.  Fish that are 24"-26" are common in this river.  But, it wasn't like this 10 years ago, like South Holston this river suffered from extremely low oxygen level and high acid level from mining.  Even though these problems haven't been completely fixed, the [ READ MORE... ]

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