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Upper Gunpowder Brook Trout Partnership  The Upper Gunpowder Watershed Brook Trout Partnership is a coalition of volunteers, community organizations, and governmental agencies, led by the Maryland Chapter (#167) to improve water quality and stream habitat, helping to conserve and restore brook [ READ MORE... ]
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The article in the Baltimore Sun mentions Maryland Trout Unlimited but fails to give due credit a number of members of MDTU's Resource Commmitee and prior Executive Officers for the work on this project over the past several years. A great deal of credit should go to: Tom Starrs: Past President of [ READ MORE... ]
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city_catch.jpg   Follow the link to the full story in the Baltimore Sun http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/bs-sp-outdoors-city-catch-maryland-trout-unlimited-0419-20150418-story.html From the story: So it went Saturday morning as 70 city youths — most of them first-time anglers — [ READ MORE... ]
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Trout Unlimited Tri-State Conservation and Fishing Camp.   The Mid-Atlantic Council, along with the Trout Unlimited Councils of Virginia and West Virginia are proud supporters of the Tri-State Youth Camp,   Next June, 24 high school students, both male and female,will spend most of six days [ READ MORE... ]
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Bee Tree Run Stream Monitoring Project - Saturday, September 20th, 2014 9 am to 1 pm - Bee Tree Preserve, Kittle Pavilion (Corner of Bee Tree Road and Kauffman Road0   Join Maryland Trout Unlimited on Saturday, September 20th for a trout stream habitat assessment seminar along Bee Tree Run in [ READ MORE... ]
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Message From:   Brent WallsUpper Potomac RiverkeeperPotomac Riverkeeper Inc.www.potomacriverkeeper.orgbrent@potomacriverkeeper.org   The small town of Piedmont, WV has been facing some serious challenges with a depressed economy and a failing infrastructure. Adding to the problems of the Town is a [ READ MORE... ]
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At the July 12 meeting of the Mid-Alantic Councill, new officers for FY2015 were elected. New  members of Executive Committee (effective Oct. 1, 2014) are:    Don Haynes -- Chair Jay Sheppard – Vice Chair for Conservation Tom Starrs – Vice Chair for Administration Sean Beattie – Treasurer Lou [ READ MORE... ]
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MDTU kicks off its Women's Initiative with a Women Teaching Women Fly Fishing Workshop. Attending the inaugural event were  IMG_0166.JPG 12 women who learned about gear, fly casting, streamside entomology, knot tying and safety on the water. The workshop was led by Louise Peltier with the [ READ MORE... ]
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FERC Approves Columbia Pipeline FERC [Federal Energy Regulatory Commission] has issued its decision yesterday the ~21 mile gas line running north of Baltimore. The gas line is being constructed by Columbia Gas. MAC (Mid-Atlantic Council TU) is a registered intervener. That means if we object to the [ READ MORE... ]

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