event BY churem ON March 14 - 0 COMMENTS
HCTU Board of Directors Meeting - April 10
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Monthly Board of Directors Meeting. Held at the Egypt Fire Co. Training Hall. Public welcome.  
event BY Jdaniels175 ON October 26 - 0 COMMENTS
Stream Cleanup - October 29
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9 AM -12 PMOld York Rd. Parking Lot, Johnston ParkVOLUNTEERS WANTED!! Please joing the Monocacy Creek Watershed Association for a Stream Cleanup Day, on Saturday, October 29, 2016, from 9 AM to 12 PM. We will concentrate on picking up trash and debris in and around the Monocacy Creek, from the [ READ MORE... ]
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Trout Unlimited's Eastern Sportsmen Organizer, Paula Piatt, will be presenting "Heads Up! Protecting Our Headwaters and Trout Habitat," to the Monocacy Chapter of TU on Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2016 at the Daughters of the American Revolution House, Eighth Avenue, Bethlehem Pa. The meeting begins at 7:00 [ READ MORE... ]
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Trout Unlimited is hosting a Sportsmen’s Rally for Clean Water at the Snitz Creek Brewery in Lebanon on Monday, July 13. Hunters and anglers are invited to join us from 6-8 p.m. at the Brewery for complimentary beer and snacks and prize giveaways. We’ll also be talking about the importance of the [ READ MORE... ]

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