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Location: Central Colorado Type of stream: Freestone Angling methods: Fly, Spinning, Bait Species: Brown, rainbow Access: Moderate to difficult Season: Year-round Supporting Services: Salida, Canon City Short take: Big rich water in a long skinny park Handicapped Access: Yes Closest TU Chapter: [ READ MORE... ]
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Quick report on the first Stream Explorers session, run by Collegiate Peaks Anglers of Colorado: We had a great opening Stream Explorers session last Friday (April 18, 2014!  Ten students showed up (slightly fewer than the 15 who signed up), and so we had plenty volunteers to work with everyone. We [ READ MORE... ]
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Unable to attend the Caddis Festival this year but want to bid on some really great deals? Want to get a head start on some Caddis Festival auction items? This year we have selected a few of the Caddis Festival auction items for a special pre-Caddis Festival online auction. A brief list of these [ READ MORE... ]
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Please see our web site: http://www.collegiatepeaksanglerstu.org/ or see our page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CollegiatePeaksAnglersTU

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