event BY Alan.Creech ON October 7 - 0 COMMENTS
Red River Gorge Trout Stocking - October 20
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Our friend and chapter member, Bill Carman, is working with the KY Wildlife dept. in some Trout stocking in the Red River Gorge. They’ve communicated with him on a few stockings where help is needed from volunteers. This is a great opportunity to get involved...   Oct. 1 (short notice) - [ READ MORE... ]
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Annual Conservation Banquet Saturday, March 7, 2020 Wise Bird Cider, 1170 Manchester St., Lexington 6-9pm
event BY Alan.Creech ON January 22 - 0 COMMENTS
January Tying Night - January 23
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Come out and tie flies with Bluegrass Trout Unlimited! Not a class, just hanging out, tying flies, telling fishing tales, and maybe having a beer or two. Bring your own materials/tools. These nights have historically been pretty fun. No need to be a member. Please bring a friend. There will be a [ READ MORE... ]
event BY Alan.Creech ON November 17 - 0 COMMENTS
Fall 2016 Chapter Meeting - December 6
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Brad Redmon will give us an update on the health and fishing on Lower Hatchery Creek.   Meeting at Columbia's Steakhouse, downtown on Limestone Ave.
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Opening day is Friday, April 29. State, federal and local officials, conservation groups and dedicated anglers will join Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Commissioner Gregory K. Johnson streamside for a 2 p.m. (CDT) ceremony that officially opens the new area for public recreation and spotlights the [ READ MORE... ]
event BY Alan.Creech ON February 28 - 0 COMMENTS
Winter Chapter Meeting - March 8th - March 8
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- Tuesday, March 8th - Social hour beginning at 6:00pm   Dr. Rob Worthing, nationally-known Tenkara expert, now a Bluegrass chapter member, will talk to us about Tenkara fishing. This should be a great time. Please make plans to be there and invite a friend.
event BY Alan.Creech ON October 16 - 0 COMMENTS
Fall Chapter Meeting - November 10
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FALL MEETING Chapter meeting scheduled for the SECOND Tuesday in November, the 10th, at Columbia's Steakhouse, downtown on Limestone. John Walker of the U.S. Forest Service and a guest from the Dept. of Fish and Wildlife will talk to us about the restoration project on the East Fork of Indian Creek [ READ MORE... ]
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Rained out on our first try, let's cross our fingers for some clear weather and water for Trammel Creek this time around. Since it is stocked each month from April through October with an annual release of over 8000 rainbows and 400 browns hook ups should be no problem even in the heat of the [ READ MORE... ]
event BY Alan.Creech ON July 28 - 0 COMMENTS
Louisville Chapter Banquet - September 1
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The Louisville Chapter of Trout Unlimited will hold its annual fund raising banquet on Tuesday, September 1, 2015 at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 4417 Upper River Rd., Louisville, Ky. 6:00 P.M. Social Hour7:30 P.M. DinnerRaffle & Silent Auction Cost:  $40.00 per person / $75.00 per couple / $ [ READ MORE... ]
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With their spawning cycle in full swing Elkhorn Creek smallmouths are in a feeding frenzy just waiting for you to hook up. The stream has been giving up some nice 10 to 16 inch fish and a 1.5 mile stretch with gravel bottom and water no more than thigh high makes for easy wading and a fun day. Good [ READ MORE... ]

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