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Trout Unlimited is hosting a Sportsmen’s Rally for Clean Water at the Snitz Creek Brewery in Lebanon on Monday, July 13. Hunters and anglers are invited to join us from 6-8 p.m. at the Brewery for complimentary beer and snacks and prize giveaways. We’ll also be talking about the importance of the [ READ MORE... ]
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An introduction to fly fishing and how to use the long rod, fly tying and the finer points of fly fishing is the weekend focus. A clinic limited to twelve participants, includes instruction, steam ecology, a train ride to Spruce, fishing, two boxed lunches, fly tying tools and set of flies. [ READ MORE... ]
event BY bstrockbine ON January 29 - 1 COMMENTS
Limestoner Banquet - March 14
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The Limestoner Conservation Banquet is Cumberland Valley Trout Unlimited’s primary fund raiser each year.  You are encouraged to attend or to mail back your check for the  raffle tickets.  If you would like to place an advertisement in our Limestoner program or if you have a donation for the [ READ MORE... ]

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