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Come on out and find out what's new and what's coming up for the spring season. Also, We'll be having Fitz Miller as our guest speaker to talk about Pike fishing on the Passaic River.
event BY theroyalcoachman ON December 27 - 0 COMMENTS
Fly Tying Sunday's at Czig's - March 23
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We’ll be having three fly-tying sessions at Czig’s this winter. These were very popular last winter. What else are you going to do on a cold and snowy Sunday afternoon? This is for all levels of fly tiers. We’ll have some vices set up if you are a newbie and just want to give it a try. If you’re [ READ MORE... ]
event BY theroyalcoachman ON December 27 - 0 COMMENTS
End of year fishing outing - December 29
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Get one last day out of your NJ fishing license! Grab that new box of flies or that new rod/reel Santa brought you and spend the morning fishing with the RVTU fish crew! We'll meet up at the fishing access on Point Mountain Rd. Newbies welcome! This stretch will have received the private winter [ READ MORE... ]
event BY theroyalcoachman ON December 27 - 0 COMMENTS
RVTU Annual Business Meeting - January 15
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Please join us at Creamery Hall next to the Califon Fire House for our annual business meeting. Hear summary reports from our chapter officers and their plans for 2025. Also, we're always looking for new board members; this is the meeting where we vote on them. 
event BY theroyalcoachman ON December 1 - 0 COMMENTS
Fly Tying Sunday's at Czig's - December 1
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We’ll be having three fly-tying sessions at Czig’s this winter. These were very popular last winter. What else are you going to do on a cold and snowy Sunday afternoon? This is for all levels of fly tiers. We’ll have some vices set up if you are a newbie and just want to give it a try. If you’re [ READ MORE... ]
event BY theroyalcoachman ON December 1 - 0 COMMENTS
Fly Tying Sunday's at Czig's - February 23
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We’ll be having three fly-tying sessions at Czig’s this winter. These were very popular last winter. What else are you going to do on a cold and snowy Sunday afternoon? This is for all levels of fly tiers. We’ll have some vices set up if you are a newbie and just want to give it a try. If you’re [ READ MORE... ]
event BY theroyalcoachman ON December 1 - 0 COMMENTS
Fly Tying Sunday's at Czig's - January 19
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We’ll be having three fly-tying sessions at Czig’s this winter. These were very popular last winter. What else are you going to do on a cold and snowy Sunday afternoon? This is for all levels of fly tiers. We’ll have some vices set up if you are a newbie and just want to give it a try. If you’re [ READ MORE... ]
event BY theroyalcoachman ON November 3 - 0 COMMENTS
Holiday Party and Charity Auction - December 8
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You are cordially invited To Ridge and Valley Trout Unlimited's Annual Holiday Party and Charity Auction. We have moved the venue this year. We will be at The Creamery Hall in downtown Califon next to the firehouse. It's a potluck affair, so bring your favorite main dish or side dish with enough to [ READ MORE... ]
event BY theroyalcoachman ON September 29 - 0 COMMENTS
Fishing Trip and Chapter Picnic - October 26
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https://www.facebook.com/events/502365732704131/?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[%7B%22extra_data%22%3A%22%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22your_upcoming_events_unit%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22bookmark%22%7D%2C%7B%22extra_data%22%3A%22%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22surface%22%2C%22surface%22%3A% [ READ MORE... ]
event BY theroyalcoachman ON September 29 - 0 COMMENTS
Monthly Membership Meeting - October 16
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Location: South Branch Outfitters https://www.facebook.com/events/1653079655254045/?acontext=%7B%22event_action_history%22%3A[]%7D

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