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On Sunday August 7, 2016 Todd Burns, Jack Fossett, Glenn Hessler, George Sappah, and Eric Baird finished the McMichael Creek Habitat Rehabilitation project by raking, seeding, and mulching the stockpile locations.  While working hard in the hot sun, the volunteers observed trout utilizing the [ READ MORE... ]
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On Thursday April 4, 2016 volunteers from the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited directed E. F. Possinger, Inc in the placement of over 100 tons of rock aquired at a discounted rate from Eureka Stone Quarry on property owned by Monroe County.  The rock was used to create a saw tooth deflector, a [ READ MORE... ]
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On Thursday June 16, 2016 and Saturday June 18, 2016, members of the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited contracted All Construction and Repair (http://poconosexcavation.com/) to place rocks that had been previously donated by Northampton Community College (https://www.northampton.edu/) in a [ READ MORE... ]
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The Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited has just received approval from the Monroe County Conservation District to begin a Habitat Improvement Project on a fairly featureless section of the McMichaels Creek that flows through the Monroe County Park Property.  This project has been made possible due [ READ MORE... ]
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On Thursday August 13, 2015 10 Volunteers from the Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited, along with 7 volunteers from out surrounding sister chapters assisted Aquatic Resourse Consulting the pre-habitiat fishery population work.
blog BY EBaird ON August 15 - 1 COMMENTS
Pocono Creek Habitat
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The Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited, #289 is planning a instream habitat improvement project for the late summer early fall of this year.  The plan is utilized stone deflectors, rock cross-vanes, and random boulder placement to improve a heavily channelized section of the Pocono Creek in [ READ MORE... ]
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Satterlee Creek, an intermittent stream in Bradford County, Pa., is one that has been named and claimed by the community.   “Oh, that must be Fishing Creek.” If you’re crossing a bridge somewhere in Pennsylvania, it’s a pretty safe answer if someone asks you, “What stream is that?” I’ve never done [ READ MORE... ]
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On Sunday June 28, 2015 volunteers from the Brodhead Chapter Unlimited presented a Fly Fishing Workshop on the banks of the Brodhead Creek at the ForEvergreen Preserve in Stroudsburg, PA.  Nearly 20 participants were exposed to fly tying and equipment.  Regionally reknowned biologist Don Baylor [ READ MORE... ]

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