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By Brett Prettyman Each year about this time fly fishers find inspiration to stock those boxes they had grand intentions of filling over the winter months. It is called the Fly Fishing Film Tour, also known as F3T. What started as a celebration of a beloved sport has grown into an annual event [ READ MORE... ]
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Dave Sweet holds a rainbow trout caught in the fall on the Green River in Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge. Brett Prettyman/Trout Unlimited By Sadie St. Clair The Green River between Fontelle Dam and Flaming Gorge Reservoir in Southwest Wyoming is a robust fishery that draws anglers from all [ READ MORE... ]
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Volunteers from the Snake River Cutthroats (Idaho Falls), Star Valley (Wyoming), and Jackson Hole Trout Unlimited chapters braved cold in mid-October 2017 to plant willows, mulch and seed. Kris Millgate/Tight Line Media. Partners in the Tincup Creek Stream Restoration Project in eastern Idaho near [ READ MORE... ]
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By Nick Walrath I was standing next to my truck, reluctantly taking off my waders after a great fall fishing outing on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge. I had been fishing with my great friend and Seedskadee refuge manager, Tom Koerner. The almost famous joking tag line from Tom was still [ READ MORE... ]
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  Recognizing Trout Unlimited’s amazing chapters, volunteers and partners is one of the most important parts of our organization’s annual meeting.   This year in Redding, California, two chapters, five volunteers and four partners were singled out for their contributions to Trout Unlimited efforts [ READ MORE... ]
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By Chris Wood “Lefty said, ‘give it a try for a year. If it doesn’t work out, you can come back.’” That was in April 1973, and Paul Bruun, fishing guide, writer, and Wyoming raconteur, never looked back. He moved from Miami Beach to Jackson to write for the Jackson Hole Guide. Lefty Kreh’s counsel [ READ MORE... ]
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Diana Miller with a migratory Yellowstone cutthroat caught in late June in the Thorofare area of the Bridger Teton National Forest in Wyoming. Dave Sweet photo. By Dave Sweet Reports have been circulating for several years about Yellowstone cutthroat trout returning to their upper Yellowstone River [ READ MORE... ]
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Katy, with support from her friend Tiffannie, was able to land this beauty of a brown trout at the last bend before the boat ramp during the Women's Fly Fishing Float. Photo by Miguel Valdez.   By Sadie St. Clair When the Seedskadee Chapter of Trout Unlimited started the annual Women’s Fly Fishing [ READ MORE... ]
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An otherwise routine trip to check on a conservation project turned into a grand adventure for TU staffer Nick Walrath and his daughter, Aven. Walrath family photo. By Nick Walrath As parents we sometimes overlook the fact what may seem a mundane routine to us could be the adventure of a lifetime [ READ MORE... ]
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Volunteers from the Jackson Hole chapter of Trout Unlimited gathered to help plant willows along a restored section of Unnamed Creek on the Upper Gros Ventre River Ranch Tributary Restoration Project. Trout Unlimited photo.   By Leslie Steen   Once the good part of the pavement stops it still takes [ READ MORE... ]

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