event BY tbrightly ON October 25 - 0 COMMENTS
CGTU Annual Meeting - Elections - - November 17
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GCTU's annual meeting will be held on Nov 17, 2015 at the Crosswinds Meeting Center.  Elections will be held.  Open positions this year are for Secretary, and for 2 Directors.  Please contact any officer if you're interested in running for election.  This is a great opportunity to make a difference [ READ MORE... ]
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Hold the date!!  Our annual Conservation Banquet is scheduled for April 9, 2016 at the Churchtown Firehouse.  More information to follow!! Our banquet committee is currently soliciting donations for our raffles.  Anyone wishing to donate can contact any chapter member.  This is our only fundraiser [ READ MORE... ]
event BY driccio ON March 15 - 0 COMMENTS
Columbia-Greene Conservation Dinner - April 6
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  CGTU Conservation Dinner   April 6, 2013 6:00 Happy Hour Churchtown Firehouse Cost $30 per person Buffet style featuring baked scrod & roast beef as the main course, appitisers, and desert. Beverages are included.   Call Steve Matheke for reservations 518-758-7367 Open to the public. Please [ READ MORE... ]

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