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Throughout the past decade, sportfishing businesses and outfitters have played an integral role in helping fight the ill-conceived, proposed Pebble mine in the headwaters of Bristol Bay, Alaska. Business owners, guides, and members of the sportfishing industry have stood next to commercial [ READ MORE... ]
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The Kenai River, One of a Kind For both fisherman and outdoorsman alike, the Kenai River has everything to offer.  World-class fishing, breathtaking scenery, and an abundance of wildlife make it truly one of the finest outdoor destinations in the United States. Kenai River Trout fishing is world [ READ MORE... ]
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If you have the thirst for 30 inch rainbows and rivers clogged with wild salmon then you are likely familiar with the Alaskan gem known as Bristol Bay.  And if you are familiar with Bristol Bay then you likely are familiar with the Pebble Mine proposal and maybe have even submitted comments on it [ READ MORE... ]
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Colony High School teacher, Tim Lussow, is all smiles after receiving fly tying material donations to support his "Alaska Wild" course.  Photo: Eric Booton   After spending the past couple of months hosting a fly tying material donation drive for Colony High School, I have two words to share with [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY Eric Booton ON November 28 - 0 COMMENTS
An ode to the coho
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Photo courtesy Dave Atcheson  Coho, or silver salmon, run in the Kenai River throughout the fall and are popular with anglers.   By Dave Atcheson   We all know the Chinook is the undisputed king and sockeye salmon fill our freezers, but I don’t believe Oncorhynchus Kisutch, or the silver [ READ MORE... ]
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Intro by Paula Dobbyn   A top priority for Trout Unlimited in Alaska is to conserve some of the best salmon and trout watersheds left in North America for our kids and grandkids. Many of these wild places are found within a 17 million acre rain forest in Southeast Alaska. Home to about 70,000 [ READ MORE... ]
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All photos and essay by: Bryan Gregson   Alaska's Inside Passage is one of nature's paramount gifts. It holds many treasures, including one of the remaining salmon forests, the Tongass National Forest. As the largest federal forest, the Tongass is a coastal temperate rainforest concealed in an [ READ MORE... ]

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