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Alaska's inside passage. Photo courtesy of Custom Alaska Cruises By Austin Williams Spring is coming early in Alaska this year. The sun is out (most days), the snow is quickly melting, and our nearby streams are starting to gain flow. Before long, the first salmon will arrive and the annual [ READ MORE... ]
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Photo by Tim Romano By Nelli Williams Over the course of the next several weeks we are going to be highlighting the inadequacies of the Pebble mine's Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) as we begin to review and analyze it. Reason #1 the DEIS falls massively short: Despite being the most [ READ MORE... ]
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Bristol Bay sockeye salmon. Photo by FlyOut Media   By Nelli Williams   Yesterday, the Army Corps of Engineers released a document, called the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, intended to outline the risks and benefits of the proposed Pebble Mine, after an extremely rushed and non-transparent [ READ MORE... ]
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President Barack Obama on Kanakanak Beach in Dillingham, Alaska, with two locals and a soon-to-be-viral spawning salmon. Photo credit: The White House. Story re-posted from The Arctic Sounder By Jenny Weis The sitting president of the United States visited Dillingham, Alaska in 2015 and picked fish [ READ MORE... ]
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By Jenny Weis A good peanut butter and jelly sandwich should ooze a little when you squish it. It needs quality ingredients and, this part is often overlooked, equal parts PB to J that both go all the way to the edge of the bread, goshdarnit. I am not personally opposed to the addition of other [ READ MORE... ]
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The Alaska program's newest staff member, Meghan Barker, enjoying the beauty of the Last Frontier. By Meghan Barker Only in Alaska can you catch a massive salmon on the third cast of your entire life. On an abnormally sunny August day in southeast Alaska in 2015, I was invited to try out a friend’s [ READ MORE... ]
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The Bristol Bay region of Alaska is wet, wild and full of fish. Photo by Fly Out Media By Jenny Weis A 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck southcentral Alaska’s population center in Anchorage on Friday, Nov. 30 at 8:29 am. While the earth and my house thundered and moved around me, I could hear bowls [ READ MORE... ]
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Damage from the Nov. 30, 7.0 magnitude earthquake on the highway exit ramp nearest to the Trout Unlimited office in Anchorage.  By Jenny Weis I found myself still tip-toeing around my house Saturday morning as I cleaned broken glass and straightened bookshelves, over 24 hours after the 7.0 [ READ MORE... ]
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Chulitna River. Photo by Laura Bartholomae By Jenny Weis For those of us in this community who fly fish with any regularity, it’s safe to say we’re pretty lucky. To go fishing is to set aside a few hours just for fun. It’s for breathing fresh air. For taking advantage of clean rivers, access to [ READ MORE... ]
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Photo: Pat Ford By: Nelli Williams Dear Alaska angler:   Some of you might be wondering, how did the results of Tuesday’s election change our ability to protect Bristol Bay and the places around Alaska that we love to hunt and fish.   First, Alaskans elected a Governor for whom Pebble’s CEO himself [ READ MORE... ]

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