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A golden trout, the state freshwater fish of California, in all its glory.  Editor’s note: To the extent that there can be an intersection between coldwater fisheries conservation and state angling regulations, and because fishing is the portal through which many people become interested in [ READ MORE... ]
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A single fish can mean so much.  By Sam Davidson A single fish made me really happy recently, and I wasn’t even fishing. To be sure, this was no ordinary fish. It was a brute of a steelhead, as long as my arm and 12 pounds in heft, easy. So perhaps anyone seeing it languidly finning just upstream [ READ MORE... ]
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Yellowjacket Creek downstream of the diversion structure is now much more fish passage-friendly. The Russian River is one of the most famous steelhead fisheries in California. It is also one of the highest priority watersheds for Coho salmon recovery in the Golden State. For many years, TU has [ READ MORE... ]
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Southern steelhead country.  By Sam Davidson My son and I wandered into the land of the southern steelhead yesterday. Cactus sprouted like gargoyles from the sandstone outcroppings that lined the creek up which we hiked. This winter has been profligate all across California and yet another massive [ READ MORE... ]
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The Van Arsdale diversion dam on the Eel River, part of the Potter Valley Project.  Today the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a solicitation for applications to relicense the Potter Valley Project (PVP) on California's Eel River. This notice is a formal response to the Pacific [ READ MORE... ]
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TU's California Field Coordinator, Sam Sedillo, providing a dose of medicine.   By Sam Davidson When a horse isn’t enthusiastic about being taken out for a ride, due to going too long without exercise or otherwise being disinclined to leave its stall or fellow pasture-mates, it’s called sour. That’ [ READ MORE... ]
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The author, when he had mojo.   By Sam Davidson Mojo is a term of American origin that refers to a magic charm or spell. It also has come to mean, more broadly, a quality or ability that brings good fortune or helps one be good at something. It’s not uncommon that I hear anglers speaking of their [ READ MORE... ]
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The Klamath River is the third most productive watershed for salmon and steelhead on the West Coast.  The Klamath and Eel Rivers are legendary for their salmon and steelhead runs. But these famous fisheries have been hard hit by dams, diversions, and in recent years extreme drought. TU is at the [ READ MORE... ]
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  By Sam Davidson Fishing is, at its heart, a solitary exercise. Just you and a rod and your line a simple connection to a watery world. Don’t get me wrong. Fishing is a great activity to do with family and friends. Some of my best memories are of fishing for snook on the Gulf Coast of Florida with [ READ MORE... ]
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TU's North Coast Coho Project site, large wood installation, Ten Mile River.  The California coast between San Francisco and Eureka is renowned for its steelhead fishing. Rivers such as the Eel, Garcia, Navarro, and Mad are familiar by name, if not by experience, to any serious steelhead angler. [ READ MORE... ]

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