event BY williamsjd ON March 7 - 1 COMMENTS
Monthly Meeting - June 5
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Meeting starts at 7pm at the Montgomery County Government Center in Christiansburg.  Please see the chapter website for directions (http://nrvtu.wordpress.com/).  We'll have a pre-meeting meal at Due South BBQ at 6:00pm.
event BY williamsjd ON March 7 - 0 COMMENTS
Monthly Meeting - May 8
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Meeting starts at 7pm at the Montgomery County Government Center in Christiansburg.  Please see the chapter website for directions (http://nrvtu.wordpress.com/).  We'll have a pre-meeting meal at Due South BBQ at 6:00pm.
event BY williamsjd ON March 7 - 0 COMMENTS
Monthly Meeting - April 3
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Meeting starts at 7pm at the Montgomery County Government Center in Christiansburg.  Please see the chapter website for directions (http://nrvtu.wordpress.com/).  We'll have a pre-meeting meal at Due South BBQ at 6:00pm.  The meal for this month's meeting will be sponsored by the NWF.  So please [ READ MORE... ]
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Need 2+ volunteers to work with Boy Scouts on fly fishing, fly tying, stream ecology, etc.  We have displays and equipment to use if we can find volunteers for this opportunity. Email Keilee Guthrie for more information, kguthrie@ussportsmen.org
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Elkhorn Creek Cleanup (with WVTU) We will carpool up from Blacksburg.  The general plan will be to work for 1/2 day, lunch provided, then fish for 1/2 day.
event BY williamsjd ON March 7 - 0 COMMENTS
Big Stony Creek Workday - April 5
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The Big Stony Creek Workday has been rescheduled due to weather, the new date is April 5th.Please bring gloves.  Other tools that would be helpful to bring if you have them: fence post driver, sledge hammer, fence pliers/wire cutters, and round nose shovel.  We will plant 75 trees and fence them [ READ MORE... ]

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