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Steven Brutger and Louis Cahill search for Cutthroats and Balance in the Wyoming Range in the most recent issue of This Is Fly Magazine. Please have a look and read why the Wyoming Range should stay as it is.   If you haven't read Louis Cahill and Kent Klewein's blog 'Gink and Gasoline' take some [ READ MORE... ]
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There’s reason to celebrate if you love to fish Southeast Alaska and understand the value of healthy wild salmon runs. There’s also reason to worry. Let’s start with the good news. Southeast Alaska—home of the Tongass National Forest—recently wrapped up a record salmon fishing season. According to [ READ MORE... ]
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Last on our list of spectacular places this week is the Pine Forest. Located in Nevada, this swath of public land is special not just for it's hunting and fishing resources, but also for the group that has come to represent it's best interests. The group – a mix of locals of all stripes and [ READ MORE... ]
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Unprecedented Support against Pebble Mine Wow! What a great a great week. On Monday, the same day that the EPA comment data regarding the agency's watershed assessment was released to great aplomb, Anglo American a 50 percent shareholder in the Pebble Limited Partnership announced they were [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY Brian.Koz ON September 11 - 1 COMMENTS
Umpqua Signs Deal
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  Have you ever placed an order for flies for the upcoming season and later find out they are on backorder for the most coverted and/or treasured secret fly of your best water? On more than one occasion, my clients seem to donate more Hendrickson's and Copper John's to the various large woody [ READ MORE... ]
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Trout Unlimited welcomes a decision by the U.S. Forest Service to protect sensitive fish habitat in Alaska’s Tongass National Forest while allowing for the expansion of a silver mine that is an important regional employer. Tongass National Forest Supervisor Forrest Cole issued a decision on Friday [ READ MORE... ]
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P9060009.JPG By Chris Hunt If you fish these days, and you're a die-hard catch-and-release angler, chances are, you capture the memoies of your trophies in megapixels. And, with the relatively affordable digital cameras on the market today, there's no reason you shouldn't.  But are you [ READ MORE... ]
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P9070036.JPG I'm a creek freak... a smaller-is-better backcountry trout angler who doesn't so much get turned on by the size of the trout, but instead by the backdrop. Fly fishing, to me at least, is best done in a place where wild trout will answer the dinner bell, not some hatchery [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY Brennan ON September 3 - 1 COMMENTS
TU Profiles: Marc Payne
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A little over a year ago, Marc Payne won an essay contest for the right to join TU on a blogger tour of Yellowstone National Park, where he helped remove non-native lake trout from Yellowstone Lake and learn more about how invasive species are threatening the native cutthroat trout and grayling of [ READ MORE... ]
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For nine years, Rachel Morgan worked in a Caldwell, Idaho, fly shop, catering to the needs of local anglers, and distributing advice on local waters freely. Rachel is an upbeat lady, personable, friendly and passionate about the craft that she credits with saving her life. A traumatic childhood [ READ MORE... ]

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