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Spring is coming and so are those days spent along a fishy stretch of a favorite river. Not only is it a great time of year to get outside, it is a wonderful season for passing on the love of fly fishing, trout, and the special places they live. TU chapters across the country are all about the next [ READ MORE... ]
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A nice Dolly Varden caught thanks to energy provided by peanuts. Photo by Eric Booton. By Eric Booton For better or worse, my wife and I are trying a diet. We aren’t the “diet type,” in that we don’t jump around from diet to diet or generally adhere to a strict diet. Currently though, we are aiming [ READ MORE... ]
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By Shauna Stephenson Resolutions in January are dumb.  I really can't get into making any sort of rule for myself when there's only seven hours of daylight and simply getting the newspaper feels like an expedition across the arctic tundra. Leniency. Naps. Snacks. Sweat pants. These are things I can [ READ MORE... ]
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Editor's note: The following is exerpted from TU's book, "Trout Tips," available online for overnight delivery.  Just like it's always shocking to hear your own voice, it can also be surprising to see what you look like when you cast. There's a reason ballet studios and music rooms have large [ READ MORE... ]
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Big-game reels, like this Sage Spectrum MAX, are vital for anglers who chase big fish, particularly in saltwater. But for trout anglers, fly reels aren't nearly as important as a good rod, or a good fly line.  Fly reels are, at their core, simple instruments, and for trout anglers, rarely should [ READ MORE... ]
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By Toner Mitchell We in the conservation community are correct to plead the cause of saving the environment for future generations. It’s a fundamental survival instinct common to all life forms, even, as many have argued, to genes. A gold mine at the Bristol Bay headwaters means death, opposing it [ READ MORE... ]
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By Dakota KruppFinalist in the TU Teen Essay Contest Conservation is defined as the act of protecting something in particular. Conservation of our streams and waterways has a direct impact on a sport that I love, fishing. At the Trout Unlimited 2018 summer youth camp in Waupaca, Wisconsin. I [ READ MORE... ]
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By Ian BartonFinalist in the TU Teen Essay ContestMany people would say baseball or football are America’s pastimes. But, I would say America’s real pastime is fishing, specifically trout fishing. The wild trout is a wily creature, not easily hooked. He will spend his days hiding under rocks, [ READ MORE... ]
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By Sophia Putman
Finalist in the TU Teen Essay ContestNothing truly mesmerizes the heart quite like the great outdoors. The winding rivers, the shady trees, and the sprightly fauna stir and entice the soul of the curious adventurer. On this magnificent earth, there is no such place quite like the [ READ MORE... ]
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By Scott Willoughby  Within the eclectic community commonly known as “hunters and anglers,” I like to think of myself as “all the above.” But I realize not everyone checks both the hook and bullet boxes, and confess that I’m generally amused by the accepted tendency to place all breed of sportsmen [ READ MORE... ]

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