discussion BY thomas.lankford ON September 3 - 0 COMMENTS
New waders question
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Does anyone else have the same problem I do with the booties on waders being to big?  I am currently shopping for new waders and have found that if the booties fit everything else is to small and those that fit everywhere else have an extra two inches of booties to stuff into my boots.  This can [ READ MORE... ]
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We have several new chapter sites and therefore new site administrators that have launched their new.ut.org site within in the last two weeks. I would like to say welcome and we look forward to discussions about using the new sites. 
discussion BY wvangler ON July 2 - 5 COMMENTS
Your Salmonid Life List
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Like many anglers, there is a certain thrill to catching trout or salmon in its native environment. Where no artificial influence of introduction has been made by man. Where you escape the crowds to witness the headwaters just the way God made it...giving the feeling as if you are seeing the world [ READ MORE... ]

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