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Trout Unlimited is working with Rock Creek Ranch owners, The Nature Conservancy and the Wood River Land Trust, to restore river habitat that has been impacted by years of grazing.   Rock Creek_ rock vanes blw Beaver Ponds-5.jpg The Rock Creek Ranch, located near [ READ MORE... ]
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Kids mixed powdery reagents into test tubes of river water then held their samples toward the light as they spun color wheels. As they matched the water’s color to a color on the wheel, they identified a measurement of pH or another water quality indicator. The scene had elements of a chemistry [ READ MORE... ]
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The Blaine County Commission has provided $465,000 from its Land, Water, and Wildlife Fund to assist with restoration of the Deer Creek drainage. About 70 percent of the drainage was ravaged by a lightning-sparked fire in August 2013. Severe rains immediately after the fire triggered debris flows [ READ MORE... ]
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Today’s Yankee Fork is a far cry from the stream of yesteryear - and it’s a good thing.   Decades ago, water flowed rapidly through the straightened stretch of river like a flume headed for the Salmon River. It raced down valley taking with it most of the smaller gravels and any trees that happened [ READ MORE... ]
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With enthusiastic wishes for happy swimming in their new home, kids from Hemingway Elementary school gently poured 60 young fingerling rainbow trout from small, paper cups into the the Big Wood River and Heagle Park Pond in Hailey, Idaho.   For the past three months, Mrs. Duquette’s 27 students in [ READ MORE... ]
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Above: Lake Creek "before" photo Resident trout in Lake Creek have had a hard time making the place a home. And as a tributary to the Big Wood River, that home is important: The creek holds special status as a recreation destination among valley residents and tourists.   With that lack of habitat [ READ MORE... ]
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Trout Unlimited recently took its message of river restoration and watershed protection to 20 elementary school kids in Hailey, Idaho.     The children in Hailey Elementary’s Gifted and Talented Education classes had already studied river systems and were an eager audience for TU restoration and [ READ MORE... ]
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By Kurt Fesenmyer   Place an old photograph of a landscape next to one taken in recent times and you’re bound to see some change.  Depending on the landscape and how long it’s been since the original photo was taken, those changes might be minor – a few dead trees or a slight shift in a river’s [ READ MORE... ]
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Trout Unlimited announced it has hired Kira Finkler to take on the task of directing the Idaho Water and Habitat program. Kira’s water background will be incredibly helpful for TU on the Big Wood River and throughout Idaho. She has more than 20 years of experience creating and executing [ READ MORE... ]
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Hypothesis: Kids will learn more (and care more) about a river when they can see, hear and touch it, than they will inside a schoolroom. Findings: True! Last fall, Trout Unlimited and Wood River Land Trust staff helped teach Wood River Middle School kids about water quality sampling and the use [ READ MORE... ]

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