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By Chris Wood "You just want to nudge it. Too often restoration work is over-engineered. The key is to simply nudge the system in the right direction, and then allow for natural processes to occur.” Gary leaned back and looked upstream. A smile crept up. “I had two anglers who told me they caught [ READ MORE... ]
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By Chris Wood Take an undersized culvert and add eight inches of rain in a few hours and you have the makings of a major problem for the creek and the adjacent road into “the holler”—the name of our place in West Virginia. A neighbor called me. “Chris, your road. It’s just gone.” The irony wasn’t [ READ MORE... ]
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My Dad says it happened when I was about 7 years old. Some punk lifeguards and their hangers-on were tormenting a sand shark they had pulled from the surf down the Jersey shore. I marched in between the sea of tree-trunk legs and, through my tears, carried the dead fish back to the surf. My Newark- [ READ MORE... ]
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The day Casey turned 11, the Environmental Protection Agency announced it was rescinding the 2015 Clean Water Rule and replacing it with one that might not apply the protections of the Clean Water Act to small and seasonal streams. On his birthday weekend, Casey asked that we take his brothers and [ READ MORE... ]
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  I was fishing on the Potomac River this morning while downstream on the banks of the Anacostia, a tributary of the Potomac, EPA and the Corps of Engineers announced they were restoring the protections of the Clean Water Act to small headwater streams.  A series of warm days has all but ended the [ READ MORE... ]
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Reprinted from Roll Call, April 10, 2015 Trout season — the harbinger of spring and warmer weather — is upon us, and I’m looking forward to taking my kids fishing and swimming in our favorite stream along our land in West Virginia. It might not look like much, but we’re happy to catch bass and blue [ READ MORE... ]
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Skipping stones   EPA and the Corps of Engineers Takes Step to Improve Fishing For the past decade, a cloud has hung over 60 percent of the rivers and streams historically covered by the Clean Water Act, one of our country’s bedrock laws for protecting rivers, streams and wetlands.   For more than [ READ MORE... ]
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Many residents of West Virginia are in their fifth day without water as a result of a chemical spill into the Elk River.  Our thoughts go out to the effected communities, and we wish the best to the cleanup crews who are working to contain the spill and restore the water supply.  A federal [ READ MORE... ]
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Sept. 17, 2013   Contact: Chris Wood, President and CEO, Trout Unlimited (703) 284-9403   Statement from Chris Wood: TU stands ready to help Colorado recover from disaster   The following is from Chris Wood, president and CEO of Trout Unlimited: All of us in the Trout Unlimited family are concerned [ READ MORE... ]

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