discussion BY 7WTDTF ON April 25 - 1 COMMENTS
Wading streams and rivers
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I mention this for a few reasons; one because I sincerely care for the safety of my fellow fishermen, I know that may sound corny.. well so be it…And the other reason I felt I should remind my friends is just this, every year brings more sad stories of anglers who underestimated the risks and ended [ READ MORE... ]
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discussion BY 7WTDTF ON April 23 - 1 COMMENTS
Wisconsin's coldwater fishery
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Wisconsin is recognized for its abundance of coldwater streams, which includes or 10,000 miles of classified (see classifications below) trout streams that provides fisheries for both Brook, and Brown trout. Now I hesitate to mention this but suppose I should to be fair to both sides of this [ READ MORE... ]

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