TU applauds Sen. Burns? legislation to protect the Rocky Mountain Front

Mon, 06/26/2006

TU applauds Sen. Burns? legislation to protect the Rocky Mountain Front

June 27, 2006

Contact: Dave Stalling, dstalling@tu.org, (406) 721-4441, (406) 531-7840


TU applauds Sen. Burns’ legislation to protect the Rocky Mountain Front

GREAT FALLS—Trout Unlimited on Tuesday praised U.S. Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont., for introducing legislation that would permanently protect Montana’s Rocky Mountain Front and its fish, wildlife and wild places from future oil and gas drilling.

“This is great news for anglers and hunters who cherish the Front and the first-rate fishing and hunting found there,” said Dave Stalling, field coordinator for Trout Unlimited based in Missoula. “Protecting this special place ensures hunters, anglers and others continued opportunity to fish, hunt and enjoy this spectacularly wild place, and allows them to pass this important part of Montana’s heritage down to future generations.”

The Front is home to strong populations of deer and elk, bighorn sheep and other wildlife. What’s more, the Front harbors excellent populations of wild and native trout, including biologically important populations of westslope cutthroat trout, one of Montana’s two native cutthroat trout subspecies.

“Sen. Burns gave Montana’s anglers and hunters a huge gift today,” Stalling said. “It now falls on Montanans to help push this legislation through Congress so the senator’s vision can become a reality.”


Date: 6/27/2006


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