
Office Phone 

Libby Earthman

Libby Earthman
Job title 
Manager of Donor Appreciation and Service
About me 
TU stickers adorned our family trucks when I was a kid, and I first joined TU with a student membership in 1998. I undertook my economics thesis research with my local TU chapter, and joined TU as an AmeriCorps volunteer in 2001. I love and am continually impressed by this organization, and the work we do to conserve the places and fish we care about. I've worked on salmon and trout conservation for over a decade, and joined TU's professional staff in 2014. I am privileged to work with our donors to deepen their connection to the waters they help protect and the people on the ground who make it happen. If you're interested in investing in our conservation work, or have any questions, please be in touch: 415-638-2017
Other Interests 
children in foster care
native plant restoration
adventures with my family
Group membership 
Sac-Sierra - 926
California - 9CA

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