Little Mountain


Trout Unlimited and the Greater Little Mountain Coalition are seeking long-term protection for the Little Mountain area, through the Bureau of Land Managment's Resource Management Plan revision, that will protect fish and wildlife while supporting responsible energy development. 


Hunters and anglers have come together to voice their support for protecting this unique area. We are working collaboratively with land managers, local/state government, grazing permitees and industry to create a long-term management plan that will protect the areas native fish and wildlife resources.


Multiple TU programs are devoting time and energy to the Little Mountain area. In addition to overarching protection there are several restore and reconnect projects in the area. Local chapters have a 20 year history of habitat restoration for native Colorado River cutthroat trout. TU staff  are also working to remove several barriers to fish passage and upgrading irrigation systems which will create additional spawning habitat for native trout. 


Staff Contact

Steve Kandell

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Trout Creek
Red Creek
Little Mountain
Flaming Gorge
Red Mesa

Colorado River Cutthroat Trout

Wild Rainbow Trout

Wild Rainbow Trout

Wild Brown Trout

Wild Brown Trout

Oil + Gas Drilling
Roads + Development
Risks to Fishing 

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