's posts

TU’s Dave Sweet was recently selected as a Field and Stream Hero of Conservation and featured in the February issue of the magazine. Dave’s TU accomplishments read like a laundry list as long as a two-handed fly rod. Most recently, he has been integral to the efforts to save the Yellowstone [ READ MORE... ]
Blog Post BY ON February 27, 2013 - 1 COMMENTS
Anglers speak up for Rio Grande del Norte
Nick Streit, owner of Taos Fly Shop, has long been an outspoken advocate for wild things and wild places. And lately, that effort has been re-doubled. Check it out:
Blog Post BY ON February 27, 2013 - 0 COMMENTS
Anglers speak up for monument
"My wife gave me a Stimulator for Valentine’s Day this year. No — that isn’t something X-rated. It is a fly for catching trout. I’m eager to take it out on the Rio Grande this spring for a day of big sky, big fish and solitude. Protecting the Rio Grande Gorge makes this adventure possible. This [ READ MORE... ]
The equation has never been complicated – open spaces mean healthier fish and game, which means more hunters and anglers.
Discussion BY ON February 11, 2013 - 0 COMMENTS
How should we approach renewable energy?
As an angler, how do you weigh the pros and cons of renewable energy in the face of a changing climate?
Video BY ON February 11, 2013 - 0 COMMENTS
"Green Light"
"Green Light": A film about balancing renewable energy with hunting and fishing
Gallery BY ON February 11, 2013 - 0 COMMENTS
Photo BY ON February 11, 2013 - 0 COMMENTS
Sage grouse near wind turbines
These sage grouse were out on their lek early one morning not too far from the North Platte River in Wyoming.
We got word yesterday that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the Idaho Roadless Rule - a wonky rule that most people don't even know about let alone understand.