's posts

Gallery BY ON April 22, 2019 - 0 COMMENTS
Photos from tu410851620
Gallery BY ON January 16, 2019 - 0 COMMENTS
Photos from Caitlin.Boise
Event BY ON October 26, 2016 - 0 COMMENTS
November 9th Chapter MeetingNovember 09, 2016
Montana's iconic Smith River offers great fishing and a fantastic float experience to those lucky enough to draw a permit.
Gallery BY ON November 8, 2013 - 0 COMMENTS
Chapter Projects and Leaders
For 30 years Bob Capron has been saving fish trapped in irrigation canals and returning them to the river. 
Event BY ON November 8, 2013 - 0 COMMENTS
Chapter MeetingNovember 14, 2013
Second Thursday each month September - May.  Public Welcome.Sunset House Restaurant,1651 8th Street, Cody, WY 6:00 pm, social time and to order from the menu if you like.
"The current U.S. power plant fleet consumes a massive amount of freshwater - more than 40 percent of all freshwater withdrawals as recently as 2005 -- according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Those water withdrawals make electricity generation the largest "consumer" of fresh water outside of the [ READ MORE... ]
Blog Post BY ON September 25, 2013 - 3 COMMENTS
Spotlight on public lands: Valles Caldera
It extends for miles in all directions, so it is as though we are primordial creatures emerging from the mist onto the banks of an alien island world. The ridge top above is fire scarred and dotted with the skeletons of recently charred conifers. An impossibly-green carpet of thigh deep grasses and [ READ MORE... ]
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Blog Post BY ON September 24, 2013 - 0 COMMENTS
Spotlight on public lands: Little Mountain
The herd bull’s full grandeur came into focus through the spotting scope. A 7×6 mainframe with extra junk all over – a Little Mountain monster – everything one comes to expect from this storied Wyoming sanctuary of public lands. A kicker stuck straight up from the base of each first brow tine. Mass [ READ MORE... ]
Blog Post BY ON September 23, 2013 - 3 COMMENTS
Spotlight on public lands: Clearwater Basin
It’s a genius idea when you think about it, one that stems from the very fabric this country was built on, a notion that some natural resources, and I’m not talking oil or gas or coal or timber, but fundamental natural resources – mountain streams, fresh air, wild game – belong to all of us, that [ READ MORE... ]