
Mr. Mark D. Hanes

Mr. Mark D. Hanes
Job title 
About me 
I am the current president of Iron Furnace Chapter TU #288. I am also the NW Regional Vice President on PA state council. I also happen to be a competitive fly fisherman on the national level. Yes you can be a conservation and be competitive. Favorite trout is the brook trout. In the east they are a true diamond in the ruff.
Favorite quote 
"The best fisherman I know try not to make the same mistakes over and over again; instead they strive to make new and interesting mistakes and to remember what they learned from them." John Gierach "Fly Fishing the High Country"
Other Interests 
Fly Tying
Fly Fishing
Group membership 
Veterans Service Partnership
Council Chair Forum
Pennsylvania - 9PA
Stream Ambassadors
Iron Furnace - 288
Women's Initiative Chair Forum