Submitted by mtdave on Wed, 2019-02-13 09:30 Veterans Service Partnership National Leadership Council - NLC Vote Up Down +304 + TU VET AD (2).jpg More than 200 TU chapters around the US run some type of Veterans Service Partnership (VSP) program. The VSP mission is to serve our nation's military family and engage them in the TU chapter community in support of our cold-water conservation mission. We "hook" them through fishing related activities with the goal to engage them in our various initiatives including youth education, TIC, conservation work, and Women's Initiative. The military veteran who has been trained in mission accomplishment, never accepting defeat, never quitting, and never leaving a fallen comrade makes a wonderful TU member, volunteer, and leader. The evening of Tuesday, February 19th, the monthly Volunteer Operations call for TU leaders will focus on the TU Veterans Device Partnership. We'll cover several VSP topics including how to start a program, identify partners and sources of veterans, volunteer training, and opportunities to sustain and to grow your chapter membership AND leadership. If you are interested in participating in the call, please contact Dave Kumlien, VSP Coordinator, at or Jeff Yates, TU Vol Ops, at