Submitted by Brian Wagner on Sat, 2017-05-13 10:35 Forks of the Delaware - 482 Vote Up Down +16 + IMG_2707 (2).JPG On May 2, Bangor Middle School students under the direction of Lisa and Larry Ott, released 84 brook trout fingerlings into Jacoby Creek as part of their Trout in the Classroom release day. After releasing the trout, the students sampled the insects in Jacoby Creek. Following that, the students left for Lake Minsi where they ate lunch and sampled the insects found in the lake, comparing the insects found in standing water with those found in running water. From there the students visited the Greenwalk Trout Hatchery in Bangor where they toured the hatchery and learned about water quality and conservation. Also, Nestle Waters has a well at Greenwalk and they were given a tour of that facility as well. A student that had gone on a previous trout release designed and produced the T shirts the students are wearing.