Engaging Youth in Your Chapter

Have you been trying to figure out how to include youth in your chapter more?   It turns out that it’s quite easy!  The children and teens who are interested in TU are interested for the same reason that most everyone joins TU—they care about streams and they love fishing.  Here are three easy suggestions for how you can increase youth participation in all your chapter events:


1.       REACH OUT to youth who have expressed interest in TU.   This might be kids who have gone to your state’s summer camp, kids who attend a fishing day, or students in your local Trout in the Classroom program.  Invite them to more chapter events by e-mailing them or asking their teacher to share the opportunities that are coming up.  For chapter leaders, you can find all your youth members on a separate youth member roster.

2.       SPECIFICALLY INVITE youth to your chapter events.  When you spread the word about a workday on the stream or a fly-tying gathering, be sure to include words like “all ages welcome” or “for teens and adults” or “families encouraged to come!”  Sometimes people will assume that an event is only for adults, unless the flyer or social media post says otherwise.  Then, be sure to actively welcome the young people at your events.  Chat with them, and be sure that there are age-appropriate activities for them to join.

3.       LISTEN TO TEENS who have joined your chapter board or have taken on a chapter leadership role.  They can have insightful ideas, and they have the benefit of a totally different perspective than adults.  Don’t have teens in leadership positions in your chapter?  Invite them!  They are often especially good at youth outreach, web and social media work, or assistance with communications.



said on Thursday, September 25th, 2014

I would invite any teens who read this to chime in.  Am I right?  What am I forgetting to mention?


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