EPA receives record-setting comments for Bristol Bay protections

By Jenny Weis

You learned the facts about the massive proposed Pebble Mine. You've seen the fish pictures. Maybe you've released the legendary rainbows back into the cold, clear water. You've read the science. You've been outraged at the lies told by the Pebble Partnership. 

And then, you took action. More than 750,000 comments were submitted during this comment period alone, many from TU members and supporters. Thank you.

The people of Bristol Bay who rely on wild salmon and clean water thank you.

The TU Member Businesses from the region, and anglers around the world thank you.

Though Pebble has led expensive legal and PR campaigns for the past few years trying to convince us their mine is a good idea, we can see the dollar signs in their eyes and we know it's not.

Alaskans certainly do - the number of comments submitted in the last comment period alone set records... even though we've already commented countless times. 

Little by little, as others around the country learned what's at stake in Bristol Bay - North America's greatest sockeye salmon fishery and a world-class sportfishing destination - you raised your hand and asked how you can help. Together, we've sent more than 2 million comments to the EPA over the past five years.

Our business community agrees. They know that thriving business depends on clean water and wild landscapes. So they spoke up too. 

We're honored that despite years of hard work, we all still chip in to help. Because we know that Pebble Mine is the wrong mine, in the wrong place.

Though we dream of going to Bristol Bay to fish, we do this work in large part for the locals. They have lived off the land and provided for their families from the fishery in Bristol Bay for generations. With continued help from people like you, they'll be able to continue these traditions for generations to come.

Thank you again for raising your voice for Bristol Bay.

This fight is far from over - but today is a day to celebrate speaking up and being persistent.

We'll continue to do so until the clean water, huge fish, and wild salmon runs of Bristol Bay are protected from Pebble Mine.

TU Member Perk: if you want a taste of Bristol Bay, you can still purchase salmon direct from the fisherman through our friends at Pride of Bristol Bay. When you do, 10% of profits will go toward our efforts to protect Bristol Bay from Pebble Mine. Use the code - bristolbayforever - for $1 off/lb and free shipping. (valid through 11/1/17)

Jenny Weis is the communications director for Trout Unlimited's Alaska Program. She lives in Anchorage. Learn more about TU's efforts to protect Bristol Bay at www.SaveBristolBay.org or on our facebook at Facebook.com/SaveBristolbay


said on Friday, December 1st, 2017

Dusgusting. Just disgusting how this administration so flagrantly does exactly what Trump said he would NOT do during the campaign. I read that Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski is all for this abominable destruction of Alaska's greatest treasure—it's wildlife—for GOLD! What is she thinking? Is there no limit to selling off the nation's patrimony to the highest bidder? Shame on Murkowski. Shame, shame. 


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