Submitted by j.weis on Tue, 2018-05-29 13:19 Save Bristol Bay Vote Up Down +9 + sign up (1).png SIGN UP FOR A CHANCE TO WIN A 7-PIECE, 5WT ROD & REEL FROM PESCADOR ON THE FLY If you're an American angler, you've probably either heard the stories or have first hand experience of the of 30 inch rainbow trout, the wildest of wildlife, and salmon runs so thick that emerald water glows red with their spawning colors in the Bristol Bay region of Alaska. Through June 29, 2017, when you sign up to participate in the Save Bristol Bay action emails, you will be entered to win a 7-piece, 5wt rod and reel from Pescador on the Fly. SIGN UP If you are familiar with Bristol Bay then you are likely aware of the proposed Pebble Mine. The Pebble Partnership proposes to construct a massive open-pit gold and copper mine, which threatens the largest remaining wild sockeye salmon run in the world and a fishing industry that employees over 14,000 Americans. Sign up today to help protect Bristol Bay and earn a chance to win this rod and reel from Pescador on the Fly. Photo by Brian O'Keefe The Pebble Mine would create a massive tailings reservoir containing toxic chemicals at the headwaters of two of the most productive trout and king salmon fishing rivers the world has ever known. Even the smallest leak from that reservoir would threaten the livelihood of fly fishing guides and lodge owners, the dreams of fly anglers world wide and many, many others. Thank you for signing up to take action today! SIGN UP Thank you to Pescador on the Fly for generously donating the rod and supporting efforts to stop the Pebble mine in Bristol Bay. Photo by Brian O'Keefe *Save Bristol Bay will never share or sell your information. NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE DOES NOT INCREASE THE CHANCES OF WINNING. This Campaign is open only to those who sign up on this page, who are not already on the Save Bristol Bay list, and who are 18 years or older as of the date of entry. The Campaign is only open to legal residents of the USA, and is void where prohibited by law.