Fishing when the Cacti Bloom

It is the tail-end of that time of year when I (and many others) anxiously await for the high waters of spring runoff to subside so that I may again return to the water with rod in hand.  This year, runoff was extended courtesy of late spring snow and rains that followed a depressingly warm January and February.

As my anxiety has begun to peak I've taken to almost daily treks along the Stock Paul Nature Trail on the edge of town here in Cody, WY.  Walking along the trails nearly everyday this last week, gazing enviously at the churning river, singular yellow blooms along the sagebrush covered uplands would occasionally catch my eye.

The nearly daily pilgrimage's to the  edge of the Shoshone River have treated me to an increase in the delicate, beautiful yellow blooms of fragile prickly pear cactus (Opuntia fragilis).  Having the opportunity to enjoy the brief window of blooming cacti pulled my gaze from the river and instead opened my eye to nature around me.  Now, as I wait for the waters to recede, I've taken to tallying the birds of the nearby sagebrush uplands and the riparian corridor of the Shoshone River.



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