Submitted by w.n.davis on Fri, 2024-05-03 13:09 Gary Borger - 596 Vote Up Down +287 + IMG_4932.jpeg The GBTU chapter held it's first outing of 2024 from April 19-21 in Westby, Wisconsin. Our "headquarters" for the weekend was the Old Towne Inn, with its famous Supper Club hosting our Saturday night dinner. We had 13 people in attendance, including some first-time attendees. On Saturday morning we ventured out to a stream with three stiles on it that were in need of repair. With tools, lumber and volunteers at the ready we quickly were able to fix the stiles so that the entry doors would swing open and closed correctly. Then we had Saturday afternooon to fish, and again Sunday morning before everyone worked their way home. Thanks again to everyone who attended the Outing!