Submitted by michael_gibson on Fri, 2016-04-01 16:21 Idaho - 9ID Idaho Trout Unlimited Conservation Greater Yellowstone Area Public lands not for sale Vote Up Down +185 + image.jpeg by Michael Gibson Well, after a move from Missoula to Boise and a quick stint with Idaho Wildlife Federation protecting the Boulder-White Clouds Mountains, I am back where I belong, helping to conserve, protect and restore trout and their watersheds. In January, I started as the Idaho field coordinator for the Sportsmen Conservation Project, working out of the Boise Science office. After serving close to nine years as outreach director for Montana Trout Unlimited, I am quite familiar with the volunteers and staff at Trout Unlimited, and it is great to be back! I look forward to meeting all the great volunteers here in Idaho, protecting public lands and defending our fishing and hunting heritage. After starting in January, I jumped headlong into the Idaho Legislature and have just now come up for air. TU and its partners had a successful session that we hope to build on next year and I will have a more detailed report soon, so stay tuned. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at I can be found on Twitter @klifman44 and check me out on Facebook as well. I am excited for the challenges ahead and hope that you are too! Michael Gibson is the Idaho field coordinator for Trout Unlimited's Sportsmen's Conservation Project. He works from Boise.