Introduction- Interested College Student

Hey everyone,

My name is Miller Hollstein. I am a 21 year old environmental science major with an anthropology minor at Berry College in Rome, GA. I grew up in Duluth, GA right along the Chattahoochee River, where I learned to love and respect the water. I always enjoyed fishing growing up, but I never really took a big interest until I was introduced to fly fishing in 2011, when I was in 10th grade. I have fished since I was little, but it was always just on special occasions since my family never took a big interest. One day, while messing around on the river with some of my friends, one of my friends brought a fly rod out and I was hooked. I went and bought a cheap starter kit later that day and haven’t put a fly rod down since.

I joined this website because, like many of you, I do not want to stop fishing. I have seen the effects of unhealthy practices and the ill effects of humans. This is why I chose environmental science. I want to make a difference in this world, and the way I feel I can most effectively do this is through the conservation of the rivers and the fish in them. My dream is to end up helping salmon populations in the northwestern United States, but for now, I want to get into trout conservation in the Carolinas. I figured I could learn a lot from this site and will accept any advice on my life route.

Thank you everyone for everything that you do and everything that you will do, I hope to join your ranks one day.

Miller Hollstein



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