Submitted by sweiter302 on Mon, 2022-04-18 12:48 Iroquois - 002 Vote Up Down +12 + BOD meeting Date: 03.09.2022 Place: Zoom Time: 6:00pm Attendees: Steve Weiter, Mike and Mary Jo Hyde, Andy Bragdon, Kelley and Mike Romano, Marty Ivory and members of Creek Rats: Beth Teska, Bob Grahm, Steve, M/Morse . Creek Rats and Earth Day Clean up collaboration: Discussion with members from Creek Rats for possibility of joining forces in stream clean up. Bob Grahm starts with the focus on Onondaga Creek and 20 years of pulling trash during the months of August and September. They remove anything impeding movement, even at the shoreline with help of city workers. Kick off is in April, checking the water and which spots need attention. One spot mentioned, Ollies Point near Spencer St. and clearing Japanese knot weed and replace with weeping willow or flop grass. The city is also completing a canoe launches near Seneca Tpk and Bear St. The Creek Rats are looking to promote safe responsible boating/kayaking, as they have a connection with a kayak shop. It was stated that the city is liable to maintain the creek, they can't legally ban people from kayaking but can make it un-inviting, this was before the creek walk. Mike Romano states, with our mission, we could help clean and identify fishing spots. Navigable creek runs from Nedrow/Kelley Brothers Park to the lake. Steve Weiter - it appears to be obvious we could work together on clean up projects. Creek Rats are to meet next Wednesday, the 16th, to pick a date. Bob Grahm - they do shore work at Ollies Point near Spencer St to near the old Fisher Guide Plant, they go out in a week or 2, to see what needs to be done and then let everyone know. Beth Teska to follow up with Kelley Romano. Earth Day is 4.22.22. Approval of February 9th BOD meeting minutes: Meeting minutes accepted as is. Financials: same as previous. Resumption of in person meetings: Next chapter meeting , April 6, 7pm -8:30, will be via zoom. Previous meeting had 15 people join via zoom, which is encouraging. Next BOD meeting is April 13, 6pm, will be in person at the Honeywell Visitors Center, Kelley will book it. Kelley also states we are all set for the May 4th BOD meeting at the Yacht Club. Les Monistory to speak to us about getting a bill put in place to have the DEC accept CSI data. June 8th - picnic, Steve has reached out to Eric to reserve the pavilion at the Hatchery. He will reach out again. Fly Fishing School: Marty states only 3 people have signed up, suggests getting some advertisement out may help. Marty is good with 3-5 people for Fly Fishing School and there is no back up person. Amboy Dam: email from Tracy Brown/TU National - the Amboy dam removal will happen this year, she is asking for our participation and will get in touch with us. That will allow for shore restoration, planting, etc. Newsletter: next one will be in another month. The Hatchery has some volunteer opportunities; Seth Green/Rochester chapter - Fly Fishing Festival including a rod raffle. Steve to send out an email. Other items: Kelley Romano- at next BOD meeting, discuss projects we want to do, then she'll discuss with Beth Teska/Creek Rats. Andy Bragdon - asking if Eric Stanczyk has a written copy of all the info he presented at the chapter meeting. Steve will inquire. Les Monistory: CSI Initiative + TIA Alliance; TIA alliance combo of Trout in the classroom, Isaac Walton League, Fishery Society are being worked by students. DEC is very reluctant to use volunteer collected data which is frustrating as DEC doesn't have the people to do it. With CSI, set up a program to collect water quality data - usable data - quality control. presented to Senators Mannion and May. Have a follow up mini conference to include legislators in our region, to get DEC supportive and utilizing our volunteers and the data they collect. Contact Joanie Mahoney & other professors at ESF, hoping she's receptive. Les is willing to speak at the chapter meeting in May, per Steve's request. Andy Bragdon - regarding the Save our Streams info, asks Les if he can point us in the direction of where we can learn more about this. Les states Virginia and Chesepeake Basin - which uses volunteer data. There is a link to the Save our Streams on the Isaac Walton League website.. Meeting adjourned 7:42pm