Submitted by w.n.davis on Wed, 2024-04-10 14:45 Gary Borger - 596 Vote Up Down +147 + IMG_2891.jpeg On Saturday April 7 your GBTU chapter partnered with the Park District of Highland Park to clean up the ravine and stream at Millard Park. This is an annual event, and the results of the efforts over the years was evident as we saw a few groups of white suckers migrating up from Lake Michigan into the creek for their spring run to lay eggs. Also, we saw some huge migrating Steelhead in this trickle of a creek!!! Our cleanup efforts were primarily focused on removing piles of runoff leaves from the stream edge, and the brick paver walkway so as to ensure they didn't clog up the stream bottom. Seeing fish in the stream was a wonderful reminder of the positive impact our cleanup (and stocking?) efforts over the years make. IMG_2895.jpeg IMG_2922.jpeg